Holiday Clubs
Coming soon...
NKC Holiday Club
Newlaithes Holiday Club will be open Tuesday -Thursday 8am - 4pm during the Easter and Summer holidays (closed Mondays & Fridays).
Holiday Club does not operate in the half terms or Christmas break at present.
Please note that we are limited to 60 places each day and children must be aged between 4 and 11 years and already attend Horsforth Newlaithes Primary School.
The holiday club is based in the cabin and will provide a wide variety of fun activities and outdoor play each day.
We ask that each child brings a packed lunch (Nut Free) and a named water bottle each day they attend.
Places will be available to book and pay for through Parentmail only, we are unable to accept childcare vouchers for holiday clubs or activities please follow the hyperlink below for further information on how to book:
Mobile: 07712106039